Svetislav Božić (22.05.1954 composer, music theoretician and pedagogue) is a full professor at the Faculty of Music, University of Belgrade and a correspondent member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In the opus Svetisava Božić there are over 220 compositions of different genres from solo, chamber, choral, orchestral to vocal-instrumental. He is the author of 14 books in the field of music theory.
Apart from pedagogical activity at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, Svetislav Božić also lectured abroad:
• Master class at the State Conservatory Tchaikovsky in Moscow (Russia) for composition students in the Rachmaninov Corps,
• Master Class for Art Students of the Institute of Art of the State Conservatory in Vladimir (Russia),
• Lecture at the Banja Luka Biennale – at the international piano competition 2014 with an audio-visual presentation of piano music performed in France, Switzerland, Russia and Serbia.