Bologna Hub Conference in the Western Balkans

NEAQA’s Secretary-General Janko Balšić represented NEAQA at the Bologna Hub Conference in the Western Balkans: Sharing Knowledge – Building Networks, held from October 19 to 20, 2023, at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade. The organiser of this event was the German Erasmus+ National Agency for Higher Education within the DAAD German Academic Exchange … Read moreBologna Hub Conference in the Western Balkans

Public Call of the ACQAHE (Montenegro)

The Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ACQAHE), the leading state body for external quality assurance of higher education in Montenegro, has published a Public Call for the application of experts from the country and abroad for the list of experts for accreditation of study programs and reaccreditation of institutions of higher … Read morePublic Call of the ACQAHE (Montenegro)

Western Balkans Ministerial Conference: Quality and Quality Assurance in Higher Education – Trends and developments in the EU and Western Balkans

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia, in cooperation with the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) Secretariat, gathered some of the region’s ministers and other high-ranking government officials, representatives of competent institutions, academia and experts from the Western Balkans and European Union (EU) at the Quality and … Read moreWestern Balkans Ministerial Conference: Quality and Quality Assurance in Higher Education – Trends and developments in the EU and Western Balkans


The National Peer Counseling Meeting was held on July 13 and 14, 2023, at the “Metropol Palace” hotel in Belgrade. It is the first project activity within the SEQA-ESG2 project (information about the project is available at the link), which NEAQA conducted, as a project partner, in cooperation with the European Association for Quality Assurance … Read moreNATIONAL PEER COUNSELING MEETING (SEQA-ESG2)

Workshop on the Integration of ESG into the Work of QA Agencies in Higher Education from the Western Balkans

NEAQA representatives Aleksandra Ljutovac and Zoran Krčmar participated in the Workshop on the Integration of ESG into the Work of QA Agencies in Higher Education from the Western Balkans, held on July 6-7, 2023, in Zagreb, Croatia. The workshop was organised by ERI SEE (Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe), RCC (Regional Cooperation Council) … Read moreWorkshop on the Integration of ESG into the Work of QA Agencies in Higher Education from the Western Balkans

CEENQA General Assembly in Astana (2023)

Secretary-General Janko Balšić, LL.M. represented NEAQA at the annual General Assembly and Workshop of CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) on June 2-3, 2023, in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event’s host was IAAR (Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating). The event was attended by the Minister of Science and … Read moreCEENQA General Assembly in Astana (2023)

ENQA’s Progress Visit

On May 22, 2023, NEAQA received a progress visit from the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). During the one-day visit, NEAQA organized seven meetings which were attended by two ENQA experts, representatives of NEAQA (Director, members of the Management Board, Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Secretariat and Sector for Accreditation … Read moreENQA’s Progress Visit

Full membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

NEAQA became a full member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) on March 20, 2023. INQAAHE is a worldwide association (founded in 1991, in Barcelona) of more than 300 organizations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education. INQAAHE’s mission is to promote and advance … Read moreFull membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

NEAQA – a partner in the SEQA-ESG2 project

In 2021, NEAQA gained full participation in the project Further supporting European QA Agencies in meeting the ESG – SEQA-ESG2 (Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EHEA-IBA – European Higher Education Area (EHEA) – Initiative to support the implementation of reforms). The project coordinator is the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), while NEAQA is the project … Read moreNEAQA – a partner in the SEQA-ESG2 project