We are pleased to announce that during the 14th regular session of the Management Board of NEAQA, held on November 1, 2024, a decision was made to appoint a new director.

Following a public competition, which drew eight candidates, Prof. Nebojša Zdravković, PhD, a full professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of Kragujevac, was selected as the new director of NEAQA for a term of 5 years.

Under the Law on Higher Education, the director serves as the executive authority of NEAQA. The director is selected through an open competition from among full university professors with proven experience in leadership and quality assurance in higher education. The Director is employed by NEAQA for a fixed term (5 years) with full-time employment. The director’s responsibilities include:

  • Upholding and representing NEAQA;
  • Managing the work and operations of NEAQA;
  • Supervising the work of the professional services and overseeing the administrative work of the Commission for Accreditation;
  • Deciding on the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of employees;
  • Adopting regulations on the internal organization and job classification;
  • Implementing decisions of the Management Board;
  • Appointing reviewers from the list published on the official website of NEAQA, based on the proposal of the Commission for Accreditation;
  • Performing other duties in accordance with the law, the statute, and the founding act of NEAQA.