The third workshop under the SEQA-ESG2 project was held in Brussels on November 27 and 28 at the premises of ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. This activity aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and challenges faced by all participating agencies in aligning with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), with NEAQA participating as a project partner.
Representatives of NEAQA attended both days of the event. Other workshop participants included representatives from agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (HEA), the Republic of Srpska (AHERS), Azerbaijan (TKTA), and Ukraine (NAQA) as associated partners, as well as ENQA representatives and two experts from Lithuania (SKVC) and Belgium (AEQES). Goran Daković from ENQA and other representatives from student organizations and experts across Europe also joined the workshop via ZOOM.
The workshop focused on the involvement of stakeholders at all levels, through their involvement in the governance and work of agencies, as well as their participation in designing methodologies and criteria for EQA (External Quality Assurance). Standard 3.1 of the ESG was particularly discussed and addressed. Experiences from agencies that have aligned with the ESG and recently adapted their criteria to the ESG standards were also shared.