Upon conclusions given by Joint Commission on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications on September 22nd2023, the First meeting of the Joint Commission of Higher Education Qualifications was held on November 22nd and 23rd 2023 in Skopje, North Macedonia. The Government of the Republic of Serbia nominated members of Joint Commission of Serbian Party in the following composition: one member from the ENIC/NARIC Centre (an organisational unit of the Qualifications Agency), one member from the Ministry of Education, and one member from National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NEAQA).
The first session of the meeting discussed the state of play, steps ahead, and preparedness of relevant institutions to implement the Agreement and identify potential challenges.
The following session discussed the 12-month work plan, number of the meetings, reporting, institutional cooperation, etc.
The members of the Joint Commission (all Parties) have reached the agreement on how and in what form to send the lists of accredited public Universities and Colleges, subject to the Agreement on recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, ratified in four parliaments of member economies.
On November 23rd the representatives of ENIC/NARIC offices discussed steps ahead on the common Database – RRD. ENIC/NARIC of Albania and Serbia brought their IT specialists – in order to discuss modalities of connecting RRD with their existing databases, as previously agreed. Also, the individual meetings of ENIC/NARIC offices with RRD specialist took place during this second day.