Representatives of the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia – NEAQA, Prof. Dr. Jelena Kočović, director of the NEAQA, and Aleksandar Jović, PhD, Head of department for international affairs, projects and trainings of the NEAQA, participated at the DualEdu project’s meeting on new standard for a dual model of studies and template for the elaborate on implementation of study programme by a dual model, organised on October 29th, 2019 at the State University of Novi Pazar. Members of Erasmus+ project “Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia – DualEdu” consortium are: University of Belgrade (coordinator), University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac, State University of Novi Pazar, Belgrade Metropolitan University, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Applied Studies in Belgrade, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, National Council for Higher Education, Ni-Cat cluster Niš, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H, FORMASUP, University of Lleida, Spoleczna Akademia Nauk and PowMio. The Law on the Dual Model of Studies in Higher Education from September 2019 defined that accredited study programme is base for a dual model studies realisation. The same law provides that the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), at the proposal of the NEAQA, shall adopt standards for accreditation of study programmes, or modules according to a dual study model, and determine the form and content of the elaborate on study programme implemented according to a dual study model in higher education. The results of the DualEdu project were presented to the NEAQA representatives, as well as the proposal of a new standard for a dual model studies and elaborate on the implementation of a dual model studies, which were developed within the framework of this project. During constructive discussion, proposals of standard and elaborate were further improved. Director Kočović commended the DualEdu project’s results achieved so far and emphasised that materials prepared within the Project will be of great help to the NEAQA in preparing proposals of new standard(s) for study programmes according to a dual model of studies and the elaborate.